Add a seasonal theme to your online shop

seasonal theme to your online shop

Category: Website

You might have spent months planning and ordering stock in anticipation of the pre-Christmas rush, but all your efforts could go to waste if your online shop front looks unfestive.

Adding a seasonal theme to your ecommerce shop, or your eBay listings, is key to your success during the festive period.

Seasonal Themes encourage customers to buy

If potential customers come across your online shop and find it bare, cold and un-christmassy, then they are likely to either be put off buying Christmas presents, or uninspired to even think of buying a Christmas present from your shop. This doesn’t mean you have to go overboard and completely transform your shop into a whirlwind of red and green - a few subtle images can work just as well.

A festive theme will make your store seem current and up to date, help people to identify with it, and it will encourage people to buy their Christmas presents from you. Adding a seasonal touch to your website doesn’t require an expensive and complicated redesign of your whole website.

Here are a few examples of online shops that have successfully added a festive theme:

Yoga Rebel 

Seasonal themes for your online shop

Ten Thousand Villages

Seasonal themes for your online shop

If you use Shopify there are a couple of simple ways that you can use to add a seasonal theme to your online shop front:

White Christmas App for Shopify 

For $13.99 (about ÂŁ9.25), you can add subtle Christmas decoration, a snowfall effect down the screen, and you can even choose to have one of five Christmas songs playing in the background.

POWr Holiday Countdown 

You can also motivate your customers to make their Christmas purchases sooner rather than later by adding a countdown to your shop, this could either countdown to the final order date for guaranteed Christmas delivery, or countdown to Christmas day.

If you use Magento there are several ways to transform your shop at Christmas:

Changing the look of your website will attract new and recurring customer’s attention, encouraging them to spend more time browsing your website this Christmas. So make the most of the busiest shopping period of the year and add a bit of Christmas to your online shop.

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