New Era of Empowering Challenger Brands | Zenstores

New Era of Empowering Challenger Brands

Published: Aug 12, 2024


About Our New Look

Our journey began with a simple vision, born from the experiences of our founders, Tom and Rob. As they embarked on their own ecommerce printing business, they encountered a common challenge faced by many entrepreneurs: 

The need for a reliable platform to manage incoming orders and uphold exceptional delivery experiences at scale. 

Despite exhaustive searches, they found that such a solution simply didn't exist.

Over one hundred million shipments later, our platform stands as a pillar of support for thousands of UK businesses. Armed with this same vision, and driven by our dedicated in-house support & development teams, our platform continues to evolve and flourish year after year.

It's both telling and impressive to consider that we achieved all this under the guise of our current branding – the familiar Zenstores blue cloud.

Today, we're thrilled to unveil our fresh new look and refined brand identity, marking a significant evolution in our commitment to supporting challenger brands in the ecommerce landscape.

What’s changed?

A brand new logo.

It’s modern, more dynamic and reflects our vision for the future of ecommerce at Zenstores… upwards! 

A shiny new website.

Our messaging now aligns with our mission of optimising delivery operations, enhancing customer satisfaction, and driving growth for your business.

Why the rebrand?

To better reflect our vision.

To align our brand identity with our vision of empowering challenger brands and revolutionising the ecommerce landscape.

Zenstores is a Delivery Experience Platform.

We are more than just a shipping management tool and our branding should reflect that. This shift emphasises our commitment to providing end-to-end solutions that enhance the most important touch points of the ecommerce journey.

Staying relevant and competitive.

By rebranding, we’re ensuring that Zenstores remains fresh, relevant, and aligned with the changing needs of our customers and the market as a whole.

As fun as a brand-new lick of paint can be, rest assured that our mission remains unchanged: to provide a comprehensive platform that improves your delivery offering, enhances customer satisfaction, and drives growth for your brand.

This is a really exciting chapter in our story so far, and we thank you for being a valued part of the Zenstores community. 

Stay tuned for more updates and innovations from Zenstores!

Tom & the Zenstores team 📦