Guide to Shipping Rules

Guide to Shipping Rules: What you need to know

Published: Aug 23, 2023

Delivery Experience

Thousands of UK businesses have shipped over 100 million orders from Zenstores. It’s a given that they’re getting their orders shipped faster than the rest, but there is so much more to Zenstores than just getting orders out the door…

Zenstores is a shipping partner that:

  • Actively supports you in running & improving your day to day shipping operations
  • Helps you curate a post-purchase experience that generates growth and represents your brand
  • Future-proofs your processes and sets your business up to scale

This is down to the intuitive shipping tools baked into our platform, one of them is our Shipping Rules engine. “An engine!?” you ask… Let’s break it down!

What are Shipping Rules?

Shipping rules are custom settings you can create and rely on to automate your entire order management and delivery operation.

A Shipping Rule is made up of three parts:

When:  This is when Zenstores will check if incoming orders match one (or more) of your Rules. This will always happen when new orders are imported into Zenstores.

If: This is where you set the conditions that you would like your Rule to try to match in the order. For example: how much the order total is, the products in the order or the shipping service set on your store.

Then:  This is the action Zenstores will take when a Rule is matched.

So for example say you ship all orders that have an order total of less than £50 with Royal Mail 1st Class Parcel, you can create this Rule with a few clicks, and then as soon as an order imports into Zenstores that matches the criteria, Royal Mail 1st Class Parcel will be automatically applied to order, ready for you to ship.

Plus, as you would expect with Zenstores, Shipping Rules are super easy to edit, unique to what you ship and do exactly what you want and need them to do.

Why should I use Shipping Rules?

Automate the day to day: Set your preferences once, then let your Shipping Rules automatically apply services and options to orders without lifting a finger. You’re spending less time shipping, while living up to the delivery expectations you’ve given your customers.

Set up your business to grow: Automation is essential when scaling an ecommerce business and Shipping Rules are a great step on this journey. Our technology not only reduces the time it takes to ship, but ensures you’re getting it right, order after order, regardless of how much you're shipping.

Maximise your team’s potential: Eliminate mistakes and leave the mundane booking and customs forms to us. Get more time and more peace of mind to spend on growing the parts of your business you love.

How do Shipping Rules work?

  1. Your orders automatically import into Zenstores from everywhere you sell online.
  2. Your Shipping Rules activate and prep each order, ready to ship.
  3. Hit ship, then your shipping labels are created, the shipment is booked in with your carrier(s), and tracking info is automatically sent to your customers.

How do I get started with Zenstores and Shipping Rules?

Join thousands of the UK’s most exciting businesses and start your free trial with Zenstores today. Click here to get started.

Already shipping with Zenstores? Click here to get access to Shipping Rules.