The Company
Just before her second child was born in 2012, Emily Reay decided to set up her own business - she was looking for a flexible way to work, outside of conventional hours. Starting off by selling custom printed t shirts, Just Another Tee has now expanded to offer a range of customisable printed products from bags to baby onesies on Etsy, Amazon and their own Shopify site.
The Challenge
“I had no system to rely on, I used to write every order down”
As orders increased and the business took off, Emily was struggling to keep on top of everything across multiple sales channels. There was a no system to keep track of orders and customisation requests - she was writing down all the orders in a book and coding them with highlighters. To fulfill orders, she would print out two copies of the order slip and scribble notes on one about what needed doing and when.
The Solution
“The job sheets on Zenstores are perfect!”
Desperate for better order management, Just Another Tee started using Zenstores to organise their fulfilment process. With orders from all three channels imported into one dashboard, Emily can now rely on printing out job sheets of all the orders that she needs to fulfil - saving her time, paper and clutter.
The merge order feature highlights orders for the same customer so they can be completed at the same time. And, being able to search for orders using the order number or customers address has enabled Just Another Tee to improve their customer service - it’s quick and easy to check on an order and see any notes attached.
The Outcome
Since using Zenstores, Just Another Tee has managed to streamline their fulfilment and dispatch, giving Emily some much needed time to focus on the businesses growth. They’re now able to look at adding even more sales channels, as well as improving their Shopify site and expanding their product range.