When you’re selling online, you should always be looking for ways to save money and make your business more efficient. If you sell two or more items to the same person on eBay, then there’s no need to package and post them individually. You can combine eBay orders into one shipment and save the buyer, or you, a few extra pennies.
If you want to combine your eBay orders into one shipment then you can do this in a few different ways, depending on if the customer has already paid for postage or if you offer free postage.
If the customer has already paid for the items and postage you can combine the postage cost of both items and, if they have paid for postage, you can give them a partial refund for the savings.
How to combine orders on eBay
1. In Selling Manager go to 'awaiting shipment' and find the two (or more) orders that are for the same customer.
2. Click 'print shipping label' for one of the orders.
3. This will take you to a page where you can enter the package details before you buy the postage - change the weight and dimensions to the actual size of all the items combined.
4. Calculate the cost of sending the combined parcel, and pick which rate you want to use.
5. Click save, and then purchase the postage and print off the labels.
6. Go back to the list of 'awaiting shipments' and choose 'more actions' for the other item, then you can mark the second item as shipped.
7. Enter the tracking information from the other parcel, then click save.
If you want to pass on the shipping savings to the customer read about how to give a partial refund.
Combining eBay orders in Zenstores
It’s also possible to merge orders to the same shipping address from within Zenstores. When your eBay orders are imported into your Zenstores account they will be automatically checked for any that are going to the same address, giving you the option to merge them together in a single click. You can also manually merge orders together in Zenstores.
Find out more about how to combine eBay orders to the same address within Zenstores here.