How to curate a personalised delivery experience that keeps customers coming back

Published: Sep 05, 2024

Delivery Experience

A staggering 71% of customers now expect personalised interactions. What’s more, 76% report frustration when they don't receive them. 

In ecommerce, personalisation can enhance every stage of the customer journey—from tailored marketing emails and product recommendations, all the way to custom delivery estimates and shipping options, making every step feel bespoke to your customer.

But how can you add personalisation to your delivery experience that truly stands out from the competition? Let’s explore!

Getting up close and personal: The perks of personalised shipping

According to Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that provides a tailored experience to their customers. 

Brands that prioritise personalisation see significant improvements, including:

  • Increased customer retention: When customers feel like they’re getting the VIP treatment, they’re more likely to stick around. Returning customers not only boost revenue through repeat purchases, but also often have a higher Average Order Value (AOV) than new customers, says research published by RJ Metrics
  • Higher revenue: According to McKinsey companies that get personalisation right can see up to 40% more revenue. Personalisation isn't just about making customers happy; it's also a serious revenue booster. 
  • Better customer experience (CX): Personal touches can turn a good shopping experience into a great one, leading to happier customers who love your brand—and studies show that they will feel inclined to spread the love, by recommending it to others. 

When executed well, personalised shipping doesn’t just enhance customer satisfaction—it drives long-term growth and sets your brand apart in a crowded market.

How to personalise the delivery experience for online shoppers

Personalising your delivery experience doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul. There are many simple changes you could make to sprinkle in some personal touches: 

  1. Leverage previous purchase data to offer tailored product recommendations

Customer data is key to effective personalisation. By analysing previous purchases, you can offer tailored product recommendations that your customers are more likely to love. 

You could add these personalised suggestions during checkout to encourage additional last-second sales, or use post-purchase emails to drive repeat business.

  1. Provide customised delivery estimates for enhanced transparency

Did you know that 4 out of 5 online shoppers believe that knowing exactly when their orders will arrive is the most important service an e-commerce brand can offer? 

Go beyond vague estimates like "3-5 business days”, by using location data to provide accurate, dynamic and personalised delivery promises, using Zenstores Convert

  1. Offer flexible shipping options to cater to customer preferences

Every customer is different, and their shipping needs can vary. Let your customers create their ideal delivery experience by offering multiple shipping options - such as Free Shipping or Next-Day Delivery.

You can connect multiple carriers to your Zenstores account to manage multiple shipping services easily. This flexibility shows you value customer preferences and are committed to providing a personalised experience. 

The power of personalisation

Personalisation isn’t just a nice-to-have, it's a powerful way to build lasting relationships with your customers. By leveraging customer data, offering clear and customised delivery estimates, and providing flexible shipping options, you can make every interaction feel special. 

Adding personalisation into your delivery experience strategy also holds clear benefits for your ecommerce brand, driving revenue, growth and customer loyalty. 

Personalise with Zenstores Convert

Start your journey into personalising your delivery experience today with custom delivery promises by Zenstores Convert - allowing you to display accurate delivery dates on product pages and at checkout, based on your customer’s location. 

Discover how you can get started here