5 reasons online shoppers abandon carts and how to win them back

Published: Aug 14, 2024

Delivery Experience

Ever wondered why so many people ditch their online shopping carts before the final click of that ‘“Buy Now” button? 

Research shows that a staggering 73.27% of ecommerce consumers abandon their shopping cart - that’s nearly three out of four potential customers who change their minds before completing their purchase. 

Yikes - imagine all that missed revenue!

While many factors can affect potential customers, the delivery experience can be a key influencer of their behaviour.

By digging into the stats and facts around shopping cart abandonment and ecommerce consumer behaviours, we can begin to understand why potential customers aren’t converting - and what you can do to change this. 

1. An accurate delivery estimate is important to more shoppers than a quick delivery.

57% of shoppers ranked an accurate delivery estimate as one of the most important factors to them, compared to only 47% who value a quick delivery the most. 

Using Zenstores Convert, you can display an accurate delivery promise to your customers, right from the product page. 

This transparency is proven to improve conversion rates on your website. 

  1. Set realistic expectations: Provide accurate delivery timelines so customers know exactly when to expect their orders.
  2. Deliver on promises: Meet your delivery expectations and avoid any surprises.

2. 71% of consumers expect personalised interactions

McKinsey revealed that around 71% of consumers now expect a personalised shopping experience, and 76% are frustrated when they don’t get it. 

By adding a personal touch to your shopping experience, you can make your customers feel valued and keep them coming back for more.

Repeat customers are vital for your ecommerce brand. They boost revenue with repeat orders and are more likely to recommend your brand to others.

What you can do about it:

  1. Leverage customer data: Use customer data to personalise experiences, for example, by using previous purchases to suggest other similar products.
  2. Customise delivery estimates: Using Zenstores Convert, show customers an accurate dynamic delivery estimate based on their location. 

3. Free shipping is a key factor for 88% of consumers

Research shows that 88% of online shoppers are more likely to buy from an ecommerce store that offers free shipping. 

That’s a huge incentive that can really ramp up your conversion rates, especially for those who are sensitive to shipping costs.

Plus, by setting a free shipping threshold, you can increase your average order value - as 73% of shoppers admit to increasing their spend so that they can qualify for free shipping. 

What you can do about it:

  1. Offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount: This encourages higher spending and reduces cart abandonment.
  2. Experiment with your free shipping threshold: Look into your average order value, and set your free shipping threshold just above it.
  3. Keep customers in the loop:  Display how close customers are to accessing free shipping, you could also suggest additional products to help them qualify.

4. Delivery cost and delivery speed are top priorities for customers

RetailCommerce’s Ecommerce Delivery Benchmark Report 2024 shows that delivery cost and speed are the top two factors that online shoppers care about most. 

If you’re not measuring up to customer expectations surrounding these delivery options, you could be missing out on sales.

What you can do about it:

  1. Show clear delivery options: Make sure customers can easily see and compare delivery costs and times.
  2. Offer a range of choices: Provide various shipping options. For example, free shipping for qualifying customers, as well as premium options for those who want faster delivery.

5. 64% of users look for shipping costs on the product page

Research found that before adding a product to their cart, 64% of online shoppers look for the shipping costs on the product page. 

This can be a great opportunity to optimise your site, for example, by adding delivery costs and timelines to your product pages. 

This ensures that shipping costs and other delivery expectations are clear from the get-go and reduces shopping cart abandonment as customers know what shipping costs they’re agreeing to before adding a product to their cart. 

What you can do about it:

  1. Highlight delivery conditions: Make sure your shipping costs are clear and easy to find on your product pages, as well as at checkout.
  2. Ensure accurate delivery promises: Communicate delivery times for all shipping options to build trust and encourage customers to opt for faster, paid shipping if needed.

From tackling delivery uncertainties to offering enticing shipping options, understanding and addressing the reasons behind shopping cart abandonment and customer expectations can help you craft a delivery experience that can improve your conversion rates and build lasting relationships with your customers.

Clear communication of delivery promises is essential to meeting customer expectations and reducing cart abandonment.

Zenstores Convert shows each and every customer a personalised delivery estimate right from your product pages. 

Already shipping with Zenstores? Get started with Convert today.