5 Pinterest boards for your vintage clothing shop

Published: Jul 09, 2015


Pinterest is a brilliant way of creating your online shop’s brand and establishing its identity. However, understanding how to make the most of Pinterest for your business can be difficult.

If you haven’t set up a Pinterest account yet, then read our tutorial on how to get started.

When you’ve started pinning it’s best to mix up more general pins and boards about areas of interest that are related to your shop. This is more likely to attract followers than if you constantly pin your own products for sale. You can build up authority on the topic of vintage clothing by curating boards which are full of relevant content and then add in the items you have for sale.

If you’re struggling to create a community of followers that want to buy your vintage clothing, then take a look at these ideas for Pinterest boards.

1. Create a Board for Different Eras

Set up a board for each decade, and pin images of the fashions of each one. These can include images of fashion icons, different brands, and also include any items you have for sale that are from the era. This is a great way to advertise the clothing you have for sale but in a way that’s interesting, and informative for the customer.

Pinterest board - eras

2. Boards for Different Items

You can create a similar board but for items of clothing, so you have one board for dresses, one for coats etc. Or whatever particular items that you have a lot of and that you can mix up with other pins - you want to be a source of inspiration for potential customers.

Pinterest board - outfits

3. The "How to Wear" Board

Suggest different ways to wear vintage, pin pictures of vintage outfits and explain how they are put together - either with other vintage items or by matching them up with modern items everyone owns. You can add images of items you have for sale to the board, and suggest what you would style them with.

Pinterest example - How to wear

4. Tips for Adjusting Vintage Items

Have a board for tips about how to adjust vintage items. There are a number of blog posts, articles and tutorials out there that give people tips about how to adjust and mend vintage clothing to fit. Often when people buy vintage items, especially online, they won’t fit them exactly - and showing them how they can adjust it to fit means that they will be more inclined to buy something without trying it on.

Offering people useful information that will benefit them also means that they will see your brand as a source of knowledge about all things vintage and will want to follow your business and keep up to date. You could even create and pin your own tutorials if you’re feeling creative.

Pinterest example - adjusting vintage clothes

5. A Collaborative Board

Create a collaborative board and allow other people to pin items to it. Make it a general board for ‘favourite vintage items’ or ‘vintage looks’ that people can add to and create - and of course, add in your own items that are for sale!

Other things to remember when using Pinterest are to create your profile name, boards and their descriptions with keywords included in them. Also, ensure you put in relevant links back to your eBay shop everywhere you can.

Need some more inspiration? Follow these online vintage clothing shops on Pinterest:

If you make the most of the possibilities on Pinterest you can create a community of interested followers and potential customers for your vintage clothing eBay shop. These suggestions can be applied to any online shops, you just need to think of interesting categories that relate to your products and get pinning!